In researching my next article, relating to continuity and canonicity in Doctor Who, I came across a blog post from none other than Paul Cornell! For those of us that don't know, Mr. Cornell is a successful author who has written two episodes of Doctor Who. We have to thank him for: "Father's Day" and "Human Nature/Family of Blood" from series 1 and 3.

It is truly bittersweet to find this article since I essentially wanted to write it. Mr. Cornell does a gre
at job outlining the different mediums of Doctor Who's story and explaining why fifty years of contradictions is what gives the show its longevity.
To sum up what I wanted to say, ironically I'll use a perfect quote from him:
"That doesn't mean we lose the lovely thought that Doctor Who is all one big story. It's one big and very complex story, that rewrites and contradicts itself. That was always the case. Only now it does it with purpose, rather than by accident."
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